Thursday, February 25, 2010

A great brother

Hi all :) This is my first post.I like to pay tribute to my big brother Gorman. He was a great big brother that did his normal big brother stuff. Although we fought like cats and dogs me,Kenney,Bat and Gorman became closer as we got older. Gorman showed me how to fry an egg and how to fry bologne and cheese. lol When he got his ten speed bike he cherised that bike,which made me do the same when I got mine. Gorman started a trend of going to a Vocational School instead of his zone school. He went to Merganthaler Vocational Technical H.S. Mervo for short. Bat went to mervo. Me I was a lil shakey being a class clown lol but I went to mervo too. Kenney went to Carver, mervos rival. Then comes Bryan the baby of the bunch he went to mervo too. (smile) So the trend begin with Gorman the oldest and ended with Bryan the youngest. My first time on the basketball court some older guy and me had words he didnt know me and i didnt know him,but it was told that I was Gormans lil brother and that guy never gave me no problems after that. I wanna say thanks Gorman for being a great big brother I'll always love you and wouldnt trade for nothin. I will miss you like crazy and will never forget the fun times. love, marc